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Removal of Wall Stickers from Painted Walls

Dec 07, 2013

In our Blog post, we showed you the new border we applied in our entryway.  But before that, we removed the Chevron stripes that were up (but never fully completed =().  Here is a picture of my girls eagerly helping...

**Caution:  Only show children how to do this IF they are old enough to know which stickers you want removed and which ones should stay up!


But I wanted to show everyone how easy the wall stickers remove.  It is a simple peel-n-remove method - just use a little fingernail grease.  You can see that no paint is taken off the wall or even stuck to the back of the wall sticker.  The paint type may change this and also how soon you applied the wall sticker after painting.  If wall stickers are applied before 2 weeks after painting, the removal CAN take paint off.

You may also use the hair blow dryer to remove wall stickers.  The heat will soften the sticker's adhesive, making it easier to remove.  **Another caution - the heat from the hair blow dryer can be HOT on your fingers too**