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The Best Way to Invite Change in the Home

The Best Way to Invite Change in the Home

Posted by Teresa VB on Sep 06, 2018

Have you ever wanted to change something up in your lifestyle, look, or home? Change can be hard, scary, or even uneventful, but it can also be a good thing. One of the best ways to change your everyday is to change something in your home, specifically revolving around your home decor. Cha …
Decorate with Wall Decals and Home Decor

Decorate with Wall Decals and Home Decor

Posted by Teresa VB on Jul 10, 2018

You look at your walls every day, from the moment you wake up to the moment you close your eyes to go to sleep. Sprucing them up a little can go a long way, but painting them might not be in your interest and completely redecorating may not be in the budget. Not to worry, at Wall Decor Plus …
Warming Your Home with Warm Wood Tones

Warming Your Home with Warm Wood Tones

Posted by Teresa VB on May 15, 2018

Home decor clearly adds a personal touch and comfy feel to any home. It is the way that you choose to make your house a home, bring out your personality, make rooms more inviting, and bring a sense of realness to your living spaces. However, decorating a home can be stressful as well. With …