Tips For Helping Newly Weds Paint The Perfect Romantic Walls For Their Bedroom
Posted by Teresa VB on Jan 26, 2017
Newly wed couples buying their first home often want to color their bedroom walls in a way that reflects their romantic love. This is relatively easy, but it requires a bit of consideration when choosing the best romance colors for your bedroom walls.
What Colors Indicate Your Romantic Style?
While there are many different romantic colors available for you and your loved one's bedroom, take a minute to think of your romantic style. Are the two of you passionate and spend as much time as possible together? Red might be your best bet here. Red is the color of passion and the color of love, making it among the most romantic colors available.
What if you or your partner don't like red or have a simpler and gentler love? Maybe the two of you like spending time together holding hands and talking about simple, but fun, topics. Pink might be your perfect bedroom color. Pink represents innocence, joy, and simplicity.
Other Colors To Contemplate
While pink and red are among the most popular romantic bedroom others, they aren't the only ones available. Other colors you could use include:
- Orange –Suggests fertility and fulfillment
- Yellow – A wise and illuminated color: think of the sun here
- Green – Perfect for those with a down-to-earth or "grounded" love
- Blue – A cooler and gentler color, one that moves in waves similar to the ocean
Painting Your Bedroom
After choosing your color, you can either paint your walls yourself, have a professional do it for you, or have wallpaper installed that suits your color scheme. If you are looking for help creating romantic walls, please don't hesitate to contact us today.